Dental implants are an ideal solution for patients missing one or several teeth, and looking for an alternative to partial dentures or a bridge and crown. At Dr. Daniel Gibbs’ dental clinic in Scarborough, we have successfully treated a number of patients using dental implants. Unlike the bridge and crown method, the implant option does not affect the adjacent teeth. The titanium implant becomes integrated with the bone over a 5 to 6 month span. In order to assess if a patient is a good candidate for an implant, a special X-ray is first taken to determine the amount and quality of bone available to accommodate an implant. To learn if this treatment may be right for you, give us a call and make your appointment today!
The quality and quantity of bone, the person’s general health, the proximity of certain anatomical sites, and the existing dental condition are all factors that must be taken into account before implants are considered. As such, the planning stage is very important for the overall success of this procedure.
The treatment planning begins and appropriate X-rays are taken and assessed. At the surgical appointment, the patient’s gum is pulled back to access the bone. The preparation is made in the bone and the implant is placed. A healing cap is placed to allow the gum to heal, and the area is sutured. Healing occurs over the next 5 to 6 months. After a few weeks, the dentist fabricates a post, then a crown or cap.
The patient must take care of the tooth over the implant. This includes maintaining good overall oral hygiene and keeping up with regular dental visits.

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- 1720 Lawrence Ave. East Scarborough, ON M1R 2Y1
- 416-755-2921
- 416-755-9224
- toothwizard@rogers.com